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This past week, our oldest girl, Sushi, turned 13. Can you believe it?! So crazy. I officially have a senior citizen in my home.
It’s been such a joy to have Sushi in our house. We call her Ms. Sassafras, Old Bat, Old Girl, and plenty of other nicknames depending on her mood (because you know, that’s how cats are!).
Still, if it wasn’t for Sushi, we probably wouldn’t have had Smokee and Buddy. Sushi is the protector, the wise old woman, and retired from a life of cat treats and long naps, LOL.
To help honor Sushi on her big day, here is a collage of our old girl!

And just a reminder, we still have an Amazon wishlist for the cats if you want to contribute!
About Post Author
Hi, I'm Crystal! Mother of 1 human, 3 cats, and a glorified housewife to a fantastic man. Let's have fun and enjoy life together!